Tips for the discussion

Start with an open mind
One of the core values of mixOpinions is fostering dialogue between people with different perspectives. Entering the conversation with an open mind will allow you to truly listen and consider viewpoints that may differ from your own. Embrace the opportunity to learn from your discussion partner, rather than aiming to “win” the conversation.
Be yourself and friendly
Authenticity and friendliness go a long way. Be open about your views and experiences, but remember to remain considerate and respectful. Friendly, genuine conversations encourage open dialogue and foster a comfortable environment, making it easier for both of you to share and listen.
Meet early after the match
For a richer experience, aim to connect with your discussion partner within two weeks of being matched. Meeting in person or over video chat brings a human touch to the conversation, making it more engaging and memorable. A timely connection also keeps the momentum of curiosity alive!
Discuss all questions
Even if you and your partner agree on a question, take a moment to discuss it. You might discover different motivations or values behind your answers. Going through each question in depth helps to uncover subtleties in perspectives, bringing you closer to a well-rounded understanding.
Agree to disagree
Respectful interaction is at the heart of every conversation. Remember that each participant brings unique experiences and beliefs to the table. Approaching each topic with empathy and understanding not only enhances the quality of the dialogue but also helps build bridges across divides.
Do not be surprised if you agree
While mixOpinions pairs you with someone who has at least one different viewpoint, you may still agree on many questions. That’s okay! It often leads to a deeper understanding of where your values align. You might also find nuances in your beliefs, even when your answers are similar.
Find common ground
While you may have different opinions, most discussions reveal some level of shared beliefs or values. Highlighting common ground can lead to a more collaborative and constructive conversation. It can also help create a sense of connection and mutual respect, even when disagreements remain.
Focus on the ideas, not the person
When discussing sensitive topics, remember to critique ideas, not individuals. Avoid personal attacks or assumptions based on someone’s opinion. By focusing on the topic itself, you create a more welcoming environment that encourages genuine debate without hostility.
End on a positive note
Regardless of the outcome, try to conclude the conversation on a positive note. Thank your partner for sharing their time and perspective. Ending on a courteous note reinforces the respectful atmosphere that mixOpinions is committed to creating.